Microsoft Teams as a virtual environment for teaching and learning the physics subject

Keywords: Computer assisted instruction, electronic learning, activity learning


The objective of this work is to analyze the different perspectives of educational actors regarding the use of Microsoft Teams in the Physics subject of the city of Machala, the type of research used is a cross-sectional cohort and with a mixed, qualitative approach using interview with teachers and quantitative by the use of surveys for students, a mechanism where data was obtained that allow us to know the reality of using methodological strategies in the development of pedagogical accompaniments and the ease of handling this software in the construction of knowledge Through its incorporated tools, teachers in order to optimize their knowledge of the Physics subject must design active methodologies oriented towards Project-Based Learning (PBL) in their microcurricular planning, a proposal that is considered by those who want to promote the autonomy of their students .


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How to Cite
Mendoza-Noriega, V., García-Herrera, D., Guevara-Vizcaíno, C., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2020). Microsoft Teams as a virtual environment for teaching and learning the physics subject. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 354-381.
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