Curricular adaptations and their relevance for students with special educational needs

Keywords: Student accommodation, educational needs, atypical student, special education, education programs, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The general objective of the research was to analyze curricular adaptations and their importance for students with special educational needs. The research was carried out from a quantitative perspective through the retrieval, collection and analysis of documentary and bibliographic references. In this sense, the researchers used a documentary bibliographic design to carry out a research process in which the study population was mainly based on written documents, texts, refereed works and theses. They relied on the analytical-synthetic method. In addition, the inductive-deductive approach was used. It was concluded that curricular adaptations are essential for students with special educational needs. By adapting content, methodologies and materials to their needs and abilities, these adaptations help to improve their learning. In addition, they allow students to participate fully in the general curriculum, adapted to their level, which fosters educational inclusion.


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How to Cite
Palacios-García, T. (2024). Curricular adaptations and their relevance for students with special educational needs. CIENCIAMATRIA, 10(18), 313-326.
De Investigación