Strategic Management Model of Human Talent for the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security

Keywords: Financial administration, resources management, personnel management


The objective of the research was to design a strategic management model of Human Talent for the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security Azogues - Ecuador. It was generated from a descriptive methodological typology with a non-experimental design. It was evidenced that there is no compensation for officials, training is not carried out according to the strategic and institutional needs, they directly influence the fulfillment of the organizational processes that lead to a delay in the development of individual competencies. This strategic management model will contribute to productivity by eliminating failures in processes and optimizing resources. In the process of applying the surveys, it was found that the staff recognizes the Human Talent Administrative Unit as a strategic process, however, it does not fully cover their needs. It was evidenced that the Institution has a defined organizational structure, under which it develops the processes.


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How to Cite
Molina-Romo, J., Bermeo-Pazmiño, K., & Cisneros-Quintanilla, D. (2021). Strategic Management Model of Human Talent for the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(12), 178-203.
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