Administrative management at the Catholic University of Cuenca through teleworking during confinement

Keywords: Education; management, human resources, perception


Teleworking is an increasingly common work modality worldwide as it allows companies to increase their productivity and reduce costs and time. When the health emergency due to COVID 19 arose, the Catholic University of Cuenca had to change the administrative management of its processes to develop them within the framework of Telework. The objective of the research is to determine if the administrative management in this new modality works in its entirety, analyzing the processes of the secretariats of the Academic Units. Methodologically, it was descriptive cross-sectional. Proper functioning was evidenced in the processes developed, however, a digitalization plan for the physical files was proposed that will allow control and decrease in the time of document processing.


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Molina, K., Bermeo-Pazmiño, K., & Cisneros-Quintanilla, D. (2021). Administrative management at the Catholic University of Cuenca through teleworking during confinement. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(12), 575-601.
De Investigación

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