Investment Project for the creation of a Recreation and Rest Center in the Ricaurte parish of the city of Cuenca

Keywords: Project, Investment; Market; Technical; Administrative; Financial


The formulation and evaluation of an investment project starts in the entrepreneur’s business plan. With the aim of producing o good or service. It is proposed the creation of a recreation and rest center in the city of Cuenca to meet the needs of couples, families and friends who like to go this type of center away from the noises of the city to enjoy an atmosphere of peace, tranquility’s and harmony. The research is mixed with a descriptive explanatory scope, an analytical synthetic study was applied by surveying a sample of 384 people belonging to the economically active population of the province of Azuay, it was obtained the 99% accept to creation of the center. Demonstrating the feasibility of the project with a technical, administrative, legal, environmental study and a financial study the determined an investment of $189570 with a positive net present value of $77102,08 and 12% internal return.


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How to Cite
Asmal Matute, D., Erazo Álvarez, J., & Narváez Zurita, C. (2019). Investment Project for the creation of a Recreation and Rest Center in the Ricaurte parish of the city of Cuenca. CIENCIAMATRIA, 5(1), 158-186.
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