Motion and time study of production for Fratello Vegan Restaurant

Keywords: Study; Time; Motion; Production; Process.


Process management establishes the relation between the internal needs of the organization and customer satisfaction, in this context motion and time study of production is based on principles of economy and simplification that help to suppress redundant work as well as propose practical methods. The analysis unit of the present investigation is Fratello Vegan Restaurant where the dissatisfaction of the customers has been identified related to the service, as the elaboration time of the dishes is high, thus a motion and time study based on the optimization of resources and standardization of operations is proposed. The present research is non-experimental, transversal with mixed approach that has a greater perspective towards the qualitative, as a result it can be emphasized that to reduce the times in the restaurant it is necessary to redesign the structure of the kitchen, organize the equipment, cookware and food in a way that the preparation of the dishes flow, also define the proposed processes and socialize them with the kitchen staff.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Novillo, P., Erazo Álvarez, J., & Narváez Zurita, C. (2019). Motion and time study of production for Fratello Vegan Restaurant. CIENCIAMATRIA, 5(1), 271-297.
De Investigación

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