The comic as a strategy to promote comprehensive reading

Keywords: Digital divide, information technology, reading habit, reading promotion


Reading is a fundamental pillar in the integral formation of the human being because it directly influences his life. It was alarming to note a low reading comprehension ability in children. Therefore, this research proposed as an innovative teaching strategy the use of digital tools for students to design comics in order to strengthen comprehensive reading. The study was non-experimental, based on a descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional cohort approach. The population consisted of 36 teachers from three schools in the Cuenca canton. For data collection, the survey was used. The results showed that students like to use digital tools to learn, so the didactic use of comics was an extraordinary strategy to strengthen comprehensive reading. The digital age is more powerful than ever and makes it easy to read and produce comics from mobile devices and computers.


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How to Cite
Villa-Castro, T., García-Herrera, D., Cárdenas-Cordero, N., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2020). The comic as a strategy to promote comprehensive reading. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(1), 485-511.
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