Educational environment, teaching collaborative work and by areas in middle basic general education

Keywords: Activity learning, self instruction self instruction, learning methods


The research aims to analyze the execution of the work proposal by areas with specialist teachers in the areas of knowledge through collaborative work at the Sub-level of Basic Medium of the Salesian Agronomic Educational Unit, in which a mixed methodology and of cross-sectional cohort, that through the use of information collection techniques, such as the interview and the survey that were applied to the entire universe that make up said sub-level of education, it was possible to measure the level of satisfaction of all educational actors with respect to the implemented proposal, data that were analyzed with the help of the IBM SPSS program, with the use of frequency tables and Pearson's Chi square, obtaining satisfactory results in all the variables analyzed, but with the possibility of improving some aspects, which were addressed in the proposal.


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How to Cite
Alba-Contreras, F., García-Herrera, D., Cabrera-Berrezueta, L., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2020). Educational environment, teaching collaborative work and by areas in middle basic general education. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 139-166.
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