Interactive virtual objects with A high school math learning experience

Keywords: Mathematics, visual learning, secondary schools, computer uses in education, digital learning objects


The low academic performance of students in mathematics and the rapid growth of virtual online tools, have led teachers to generate changes in their teaching methods and seek to create or reuse virtual learning objects [OVA], as an option to improve student attention and motivation. The objective of this work was to analyze the use of the tool in the design of OVA to propose guidelines that allow improving the quality of mathematical objects for high school. Methodologically, it was descriptive and cross-sectional, based on online surveys. It was identified that both educators and students consider that OVA should have psychopedagogical and didactic components. It was concluded that the intentional selection of an object, its design, interactivity, duration and the selection of content, will be subject to the goals set by the teacher and its success will depend on the planning of the class.



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How to Cite
Orellana-Cordero, M.- del-R., García-Herrera, D., Erazo-Álvarez, J., & Narváez-Zurita, C. (2020). Interactive virtual objects with A high school math learning experience. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 309-332.
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