Traditional games as a methodological strategy for teaching mathematics

Keywords: Customs and traditions, cultural education, learning methods


In this sense, the objective of the present study was to analyze to what extent recreational strategies (traditional games) can strengthen early mathematical competencies in kindergarten and high school students. The present non-experimental study whose epistemological approach was quantitative and cross-sectional, taking as population the teachers of the initial and preparatory network of Circuit 2 of the Paute canton, with the investigation a result was obtained where it was demonstrated that the Teachers apply traditional games as a playful activity and not as a meaningful learning strategy in mathematics. The lack of implementation of playful strategies within learning by teachers causes boredom in students and they do not feel motivated to learn in a meaningful way.



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How to Cite
Cáceres-Cabrera, M., García-Herrera, D., Cárdenas-Cordero, N., & Erazo Álvarez, J. (2020). Traditional games as a methodological strategy for teaching mathematics. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 428-449.
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