Rural education connectivity and accessibility: Challenges and proposals for Internet access in Joyagshí

Keywords: Rural education, educational systems, electronic learning, (Words taken from the UNESCO Thesaurus).


The objective of this research is to analyze the challenges and proposals faced by the educational actors of the "Quitumbe Educational Unit" in Joyagshí - Ecuador from the pandemic. It was developed through a non-experimental, quantitative cross-sectional cohort methodology. The population was made up of teachers and students. The results show that there is no direct correlation between rural areas and the limitations of accessibility and internet connectivity, becoming a new challenge to improve teacher training in the use of Information Technologies, by virtue of the fact that there is evidence of a better performance in relation to pedagogical initiatives and innovation in the average in which they have more training, in the same way as for students, it refers that learning increases as the level of use and access to digital platforms improves.


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How to Cite
Calle-Medina, C., García-Herrera, D., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2021). Rural education connectivity and accessibility: Challenges and proposals for Internet access in Joyagshí. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(3), 294-312.
De Investigación

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