Current challenges of nursing care in Latin America
The general objective of this research was to analyze the current challenges of nursing care in Latin America. The research work was carried out from the quantitative approach, by means of exploration, collection and critical analysis of documents and bibliographic references. The interpretation techniques of the inquiry were based on the content analysis of the information collected, which allowed the formulation of results. Supported by the analytical-synthetic method, it consisted of mentally decomposing the system studied into several elements to arrive at new knowledge. As a result, it is indicated that nursing faces great challenges in Latin America, as a result of the changes that are occurring in the world, the performance of professional practice requires greater academic preparation. It is concluded that the change of thinking about social problems, the contextualized or situated education in the formation of nursing professionals is one of the answers that lead to future changes.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Mercedes María Lucas-Choez, Gina Rosa Alonso-Muñiz, Mercedes Tania Alcázar-Pichucho, Noralma katherine Jaime-Hernández

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