Security management to improve the usability of the internet in a cooperative

Keywords: Internet universality, data protection, information transfer, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The objective is to analyze the security management for the improvement of the internet usability in the Tulcán cooperative. A descriptive research was carried out by means of anecdotal records of the company. The 40.91% represents the saturation of the service due to the open access to video reproduction sites, mp3 music downloads. The saturation of the internet service is one of the inconveniences that most of the companies have in their day to day operations, in our case we were able to mitigate this problem with the implementation of policies and access controls eliminating the factors that caused the congestion of the service such as massive downloads of applications, access to video platforms, social networks, cloud type applications, thus allowing to have a more effective administration.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite
Higuera-Rosero, J., Romero-Fernández, A., Sandoval-Pillajo, A., & Llerena-Ocaña, L. (2022). Security management to improve the usability of the internet in a cooperative. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(4), 1049-1057.
De Investigación

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