Dyslexia and its strategic approach in Elementary Education

Keywords: Dyslexia, learning disability, reading aptitude, sensory system, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The objective of this research was to analyze dyslexia and its possibility of a strategic approach in basic education. Methodologically, the positivist paradigm was assumed, in correspondence with a bibliographic-documentary design research. In conclusion, it is established that dyslexia are a literacy disorder that entails additional difficulties at an emotional and social level, which limit the student in his daily work, impacting all his processes and contexts. In addition, the importance of developing a program of strategies that allow the adaptation of the individual both in the daily routine of classes and in social interaction with their peers is recognized; implying in the same way, curricular adaptations that will facilitate the teaching-learning process, taking into account that dyslexia is a condition that cannot be cured, but that can be treated, cared for and therefore improved, to the point of consolidating a more fluent and analytical reading.


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How to Cite
Navarrete-Zambrano, M., Esteves-Fajardo, Z., Arcos-Cárdenas, K., & Cazares-Bustamante, A. (2022). Dyslexia and its strategic approach in Elementary Education. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(3), 2205-2218. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v8i3.958
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