Evaluation of the quality of service in the ecuadorian hotel sector

Keywords: Vocational training, skills development, occupational qualifications, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


This research work was developed to contribute to the improvement of the service provision process offered by the Samari Spa Resort Hotel in the city of Baños de Agua Santa, Province of Tungurahua. The SERVQUAL quality management model was used. The critical points identified constituted the input for the development of the Improvement Plan. The results obtained in the research conducted with the clients of Hotel Samari Spa Resort, after the implementation of the Improvement Plan, show higher levels of customer satisfaction with respect to the service received. The methodological guide for the implementation and monitoring of improvement actions, contributes significantly to the continuous improvement management carried out by the Hotel Samari Spa Resort in the process of service delivery, thus ensuring customer satisfaction and strengthening the corporate image.


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How to Cite
Tobar-Ruiz, G., Romero-Fernández, A., & Suarez-Torres, C. (2022). Evaluation of the quality of service in the ecuadorian hotel sector. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(15), 145-153. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v8i15.828
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