The formation of micro-enterprises, for the promotion of entrepreneurial culture

Keywords: Recruitment, job evaluation, personnel management., (UNESCO Thesaurus).


Informal trade and the creation of microenterprises in the canton of Ambato is essential for economic revival, it develops with many difficulties throughout the canton and is one of the activities that has existed for many years, sales of basic necessities, jewelry, handicrafts, all at convenient and affordable prices for people who acquire it instantly in different parts of the city. A survey of the economically active population of the city of Ambato was conducted, finding that most of them did not have permits to work, did not have insurance affiliation, and did not have a stable job, as a proposal is to organize small groups with working affinities for the formation of microenterprises, provide various training and strategies to promote entrepreneurial culture.


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How to Cite
Quintiguiña-Camana, W., Romero-Fernández, A., & Guevara-Murgueytio, R. (2022). The formation of micro-enterprises, for the promotion of entrepreneurial culture. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(3), 1788-1800.
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