Physical Education and COVID-19: Perceptions from teachers during the pandemic

Keywords: State and education, educational objectives, educational planning, (Words taken from the UNESCO Thesaurus).


The present study is developed to know the impression of teachers about Physical Education during the COVID-19 pandemic, the way it affected and the difficulties that existed during virtual teaching-learning. This research aims to explore the perception of the future of PE by teachers after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research has a descriptive scope of non-experimental field, with a cross section, the sample corresponds to PE teachers of the Ecuadorian educational system. For data collection, the survey technique was used, which was validated by academic specialists. The results obtained show that the majority of PE teachers had affectations in the teaching - learning of said subject due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as complications in the elaboration and implementation of didactic instruments with new methods for the application in virtual classes of PE. P.F.


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How to Cite
Mendoza-Mendieta, K., García-Herrera, D., & Ávila-Mediavilla, C. (2021). Physical Education and COVID-19: Perceptions from teachers during the pandemic. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(3), 753-770.
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