Product and process models of writing and their pedagogical practices
The general objective of this research was to describe the product and process models of writing and their pedagogical practices. This research was developed from the qualitative approach, using several bibliographic sources in order to obtain real information and to be able to reach the stated objective. In addition, the following methods were used: historical-logical, since it helped to establish the relationships between the facts that take place in the development of science, analytical-synthetic, since it was possible to generate a superior knowledge since additional knowledge was added to previous concepts, and the inductive method. It is concluded that both the product theory of writing and the process theory of writing are insufficient to address the semiotic, discursive and pragmatic components of written language. This is because they neglect the social-cultural character of language
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Derechos de autor 2022 Lidice Mónica Franco-Franco, Zila Isabel Esteves-Fajardo, Mainer Gregorio Alcívar-Olvera, Norma Narcisa Garcés-Garcés
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